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Because we want Sunday morning worship to be meaningful, relevant, and engaging for the entire family, and because we believe that our children are an important part of our church family right now, we’ve made it a priority to develop the following ministries and spaces, available to your family during each and every service:
Nursing Moms
Our Mothers' Room with live feed to our worship service is an appealing space for moms to enjoy some privacy while caring for their little one.
Our Infants – Walkers Nurseries are safe and appealing, and staffed with loving volunteers who are trained to care for and meet the developmental needs of your child at their particular stage.
Preschoolers (2-5 year olds)
Our Preschoolers rooms are lively and engaging, where our kids worship together and are taught a bible lesson along with age-appropriate activities to help them apply the lessons each week.
K-5th Graders
Our ministry for K-5th graders is designed to be a safe, fun, and relevant place where our elementary students can enjoy large group games, be engaged in gospel-centered teaching through the scriptures (focused on the character of God, and the person and work of Jesus), worship together, and break out into small groups for more intentional interaction and application with their small group leader.
Keeping it Safe
When you arrive, stop by the Children's Welcome Center where you will find a friendly greeter to assist you with the check-in of your child. All kids (infant-5th grade) will receive an ID sticker that will aid in their security while in our care. You and your child receive tags with a corresponding number on them. This number is very important. If a team member needs to contact you during the service, your 3-digit number will appear on the screens at the front of the worship center.
When you pick up your child (infant-5th grade), you or a family member (14 years and older) must show a classroom leader that your guardian receipt matches your child's tag...no exceptions. If you lose your guardian receipt, our classroom leaders are required to contact a member of our security team or our Director of Children's Ministries for verification before your child can be released. A photo ID may be required.
Our goal is to provide a safe and secure environment for every child. That's why all entrances in the kids wing are locked from the outside during each service and we carefully screen volunteers before they step into the classroom. A volunteer ID or guardian receipt is required to enter the Children's Ministry areas during services. Calvary Church has also developed a well-mapped-out emergency exit plan and trained our volunteers on how to get the kids out of the building quickly.
At the first signs of illness (fever in the last 24 hours, a questionable rash, nasal discharge, diarrhea, or conjunctivitis), please keep your child at home. Your child will be more comfortable there and this will also prevent other children from becoming sick. Should your child become ill while in our care, we will notify you promptly.
Calvary Church has a trained Security Team, Medical Team, and Children’s Ministry Volunteers, all trained to respond and follow procedures in accordance with our Emergency Response Plan, should any type of emergency (security or medical) arise during ministries.