Growing Disciples

Men receive a lot of competing messages in today’s world about who they should be. Calvary equips men to be, first and foremost, disciples of Jesus Christ. Through Bible study, small groups, serving, and the relationships you build with other men in the church, you will be encouraged to disciple others in the home, the community, and the church.

For men, Calvary offers…

  • Bible studies in the spring and fall (check the calendar for upcoming studies)

  • Small groups, groups of around 10 people who commit to “do life” together for a season

  • Care groups for those who have experience divorce, grief, and unhealthy sexual behavior

  • Opportunities to serve


Your Growth Matters

In addition to Sunday mornings, Calvary offers women ways to grow in your love for God and for others. We provide connection points where women of all ages can meet together to encourage, share, and study.

For women, Calvary offers…

  • Bible studies in the and fall and winter (check the calendar for upcoming studies)

  • MomCo group

  • Small groups, groups of around 10 people who commit to “do life” together for a season

  • Care groups for those who have experience divorce, grief, and unhealthy sexual behavior

  • Opportunities to serve


Calvary Seniors

We are dedicated to keeping local seniors involved in the church and flourishing. With small group Bible studies, senior-only events, and services targeted to and from maturing church members, we encourage men and women to invest in their own spiritual growth and wellbeing as well as that of the generations coming up behind them.  

For seniors, Calvary offers…

  • Senior Breakfast | 2nd Wednesdays @ 8a at The Viking Chili Bowl

  • Senior Game Day | Last Thursdays @ 2p in the Calvary Church Commons

  • Walk the Fairgrounds | Tuesdays and Thursdays @ 8:30a at the track at Fairgrounds Park

  • Bible studies for men and women (check the calendar for upcoming studies)

  • Small groups, groups of around 10 people who commit to “do life” together for a season

  • Care groups for those who have experience divorce, grief, and unhealthy sexual behavior

  • Opportunities to serve


Finding community doesn’t have to be hard.

At Calvary, we want to help young adults, including college students, find and enjoy satisfying, authentic relationships. That’s what makes a church a community: many interconnected people following Christ and enjoying God together.



Young Adult Nights

Join us on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month for Young Adult Nights. We’ll have dinner together and spend some time talking about a relevant topic.

Text Chat & Calendar

Tap the code or text CalvaryYA to 219.220.8945 to get the latest information on events and activities happening for adults ages 18-30. Or keep scrolling for a calendar that includes Young Adult events. You can use the calendar to search out all Calvary events you might want to show up for.


Join in the Fun!

Henry Roxborough was right, the most important thing about sports is playing! We have several sports activities, including league teams and open gym events, where people of varied skill-levels and experience can play while also building relationships within the Calvary community and enjoying some healthy competition.