Links to articles and videos found in the weekly sections of the Discipleship Guide for discipleship groups. Resources that are part of the discipleship program and, therefore, included in the weekly lesson’s DOING section are marked (required). Supplemental resources, usually found in the footnotes of a section, are marked (supplemental). If a link is broken, please contact Jon Nitta or Tracy Hillwig so updates can be made.
Spirituality Made Hard, a conversation between Dallas Willard and Mike Yaconelli (supplemental)
What Does it Mean to “Pray Without Ceasing”? an excerpt from John Piper’s book, When I Don’t Desire God (required)
WEEK #12
All of Life is Repentance by Timothy Keller (required)
An Unhurried Life: Reflections on Rest and Sabbath by Jimmy Young (required)
WEEK #13
Rosaria Butterfield: Christian Hospitality by Lindsey Carlson (required)
WEEK #14
The Generosity Matrix by J. D. Greear (required)
WEEK #15
Racism and Corporate Evil: A White Guy’s Perspective by Timothy Keller (required)
Justice video by The Bible Project (required)
Many Ethnicities, One Race by Thabiti Anyabwile (supplemental; mentioned in “Race and Spiritual Formation article by Jon Nitta)
WEEK #17
Spiritual Multiplication by CRU (required)