February 9, 2025 | Josh Reasoner | Ecclesiastes 10:2-11:6
Won’t Be Fooled Again
WORD | What does the Bible say?
The teacher in Ecclesiastes keeps returning to his point that we should pursue wisdom. Wisdom is more than being smart and knowing facts, and it doesn’t happen quickly. It takes the whole of our lifetime to move through this “school of wisdom” and we only do it with the transforming power of the Holy Spirit and the aid of God’s Word.
1. Read Ecclesiastes 10:2-11:6 looking for the ways that this passage calls people to have wisdom when dealing with 1) broken authority, 2) uncertainty in life, and 3) their own human limitations. Why do you think the Teacher calls out these three issues specifically?
2. Read Proverbs 4:5-9. Why is it that godly wisdom is so necessary in life?
3. Read Matthew 7:24-27. What is it that distinguishes the wise builder from the foolish builder?
KINGDOM | How is God working in the world?
What exactly do we mean when we say wisdom? In the simplest possible terms, wisdom is seeing God as he really is, seeing yourself as God sees you, and seeing life God’s way and then doing it his way. So then how do we go about becoming wise? Pursuing and gaining wisdom is one of the ways God wants to transform us as his Christ-following kingdom-people.
4. If you lack wisdom, the New Testament writer James has an idea for you. Read James 1:5. What does it look like to ask God for wisdom? Is it only saying a prayer?
5. Read Matthew 25:14-30. How do we see people respond wisely and foolishly in this parable? How is being faithful with what God has entrusted to us – our time, talent, and treasures – an example of doing life his way (wisely!)?
6. How do we know if we are growing in wisdom? How do we distinguish between worldly wisdom and godly wisdom?
HEART | How is God working in your heart?
Hearts lean toward foolishness; it’s easier and more comfortable! It’s ugly though. Foolishness is characterized by impulsive disobedience, bubbling emotions, self-centeredness, a meh attitude toward the holiness of God, resistance to discipline, laziness, and a lack of self-awareness. Do any of those characteristics hit close to your heart?
7. Look at Ecclesiastes 10:4-6 again and then read 1 Peter 2:13-15. What are these passages telling us about how the wise person responds to broken human authority? What is going on in our hearts when we want to foolishly respond to this broken authority?
8. Look at Ecclesiastes 10:12-15 & 20 and then read James 3:3-6 and Ephesians 4:29. If what comes out of our mouth is connected to what is in our hearts, what do we need to consider if we desire to be wise in what we say? What is the underlying issue in our hearts when we want to say (or even think!) something that is dishonoring?
9. Look at Ecclesiastes 10:12-15 & 20 and then read James 3:3-6 and Ephesians 4:29. If what comes out of our mouth is connected to what is in our hearts, what do we need to consider if we desire to be wise in what we say? What is the underlying issue in our hearts when we want to say (or even think!) something that is dishonoring?
REFLECTION | Is there something for me to consider or do?
Read through Romans 12:1-2 and meditate on presenting yourself — your true self, flaws and all — before God. Are you noticing any areas where you’re chasing foolishness instead of wisdom? Ask God for wisdom (James 1:5) and for the Holy Spirit to begin the process of change and growth in you.