Reducing Debt to Do More Outreach
The mission of Calvary Church is to experience the gospel changing lives forever. We've seen God do that and we want to keep being part of the work he's doing in Northwest Indiana and around the world.

Over the last 5 years, we've been strengthening our core ministry areas of worship and discipleship. But what about those who are not part of our church community? The promise of the gospel is for them too, and we want to turn our focus and our finances to ensuring as many as possible hear the gospel and are welcomed into a community of believers.

Every year, Calvary pays out $351,180 to repay our mortgage loan.

Imagine what we could do if we could pay off that debt and instead direct the money toward outreach. That's the goal.

Flip Through the Outward Book

Commitment Card

Complete the Commitment Card to let us know how you want to give!

Celebration Sunday

March 19, 2023

Pastor Josh’s Challenge

February 19, 2023

Pastor Josh Explains Outward

January 29, 2023

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes. The Outward Initiative is a campaign to reduce Calvary’s debt so that our monthly mortgage payments - which are currently going to a bank - can go to outreach ministry instead. Calvary people who commit to give to the Outward Initiative are encouraged to give regularly over the next 3 years. At the end of 3 years, our mortgage debt will be eliminated or greatly reduced, and the money that once went to the bank will flow into outreach work instead.

  • Reducing our mortgage debt will allow us to strengthen both our local and global outreach ministries. We want to partner with organizations sharing the gospel with unreached people groups and give Calvary people more opportunities to go on short-term mission trips. We’re currently exploring relationship with organizations working in Latin America since we have just one partner in that region.

  • Calvary’s elder team and staff commit to the following: 1) Every dollar given toward the Outward initiative will go to reduce mortgage debt. 2) At the completion of the 3-year commitment period, the monthly payment amount saved by the reduction of the mortgage will go toward strengthening outreach. 3) The mortgage will be refinanced at least once during the 3-year commitment period if doing so expedites the mortgage pay-off and frees up money for outreach more quickly.

  • Most commitments will be made on Commitment Sunday, March 5. Staff, elders, and some early donors have already made their commitments. People can continue to make commitments throughout the 3-year gifting period beginning in mid-March.

  • If the campaign results do not eliminate the debt, Calvary will still greatly benefit since all the money raised will go to reducing our debt to free up more funding for outreach.

  • While this might seem to have some short-term advantage, our leaders believe that good stewardship requires us to pay down our debt as quickly as possible. Extending the time we carry our debt results in more money going toward interest payments and less towards outreach.

  • We will ask you to respond with a commitment by March 5. Two weeks later on March 19, we will announce how much was committed and celebrate God’s goodness together.

  • We anticipate that people will begin paying on their commitments after the celebration Sunday on March 19. Of course, we recognize that not everyone receives a weekly paycheck, therefore you may begin honoring your commitment at the time you designate in accordance with your income schedule.

  • We strongly encourage you to make your commitment “over and above” any other giving to our church. In fact, we would ask that you prioritize giving regularly to our general fund before making a financial commitment to the Outward initiative. The present ministries and missions we have implemented and support also need to be funded.

  • No. We know that financial and personal circumstances can change. However, because we believe so strongly that eliminating our debt will offer the best long-term financial situation for the church, we will ask that all who call Calvary their home church consider in prayer and wisdom what they are able to contribute to the initiative.

  • Certainly. This a private commitment that you can revisit as often as needed during the three years. To inform Calvary of a revision, contact Ashley Berry, our Financial Manager, at or 219.462.4026.

  • The act of writing out your commitment is a step of faith in trusting the Lord for how he would have your live generously. In addition, the total amount of commitments will be carefully analyzed to forecast future income and to establish a realistic debt payback schedule and outreach budget for Calvary’s programs.

  • Only you and the Lord can decide how much you can give. This initiative was designed so that everyone can give something, no matter the size. No gift is too small to count! We will trust God to move each person to give as he desires.

Still Have Questions?