Do you have a heart for helping someone in need? Do you have skills to provide a service or simply visit with someone and pray? Are you able to provide a ride to church? The Care Team might be the place for you.
Serving Opportunities
Facilitator for Rebuilding After Divorce
If you know the pain of a broken marriage and have experienced God’s care and healing, you may be ready to help others find the way too. We are looking for facilitators for small group discussions during Rebuilding After Divorce. Rebuilding After Divorce is a 12-week course offered in two 6-week segments during the year. Each weekly gathering includes worship and time spent in a small group setting with others ready to move forward with a sense of hope and restoration after a divorce. Materials and training are provided.
Facilitator for Navigating Grief
If you have experienced loss and would like to help others through that experience, we are looking for leaders to facilitate small group discussions during Navigating Grief. Navigating Grief is a 12-week course offered in two 6-week segments during the year. Each weekly gathering includes worship and time spent in a small group setting with others who have experienced a loss. Materials and training are provided.
Lay Counselors for Marriage Crisis
Some of our greatest joys and most painful experiences come from our marriage. When the pain becomes crisis, we want to be available to help. Lay counselors help couples in crisis navigate immediate needs, gain new perspective and direction, and regain hope. Training is provided for lay counselors.
Care for the Sick
If you feel energized by showing mercy and compassion toward others, we would love to have you be a part of the Care Ministries team that sees to some of the needs of people who are ill. Ways to serve are often practical and meet felt-needs. For example, you could prepare a meal for a family, visit with those in the hospital, or send a card to let someone know you are thinking of them.