Derek & Dannette Gora: A Conversation

When you get in front of people, they’re just people. Their basic needs and their need for Christ is the same as ours. As different as our cultures are, we can look in the eyes of an Indian Christian and see a brother or sister. It’s like we’re tethered.

Jon & Lexie's Story: Joy in the Hard Things

“When I tuck L* in at night, every time I pray that regardless of where she ends up, she would grow up to know and love Jesus,” Jon Moneta says about his foster daughter. “Whether that’s in our home, her mom’s, or in someone else’s, I pray that God will protect and bless her.”

“And I pray that if it’s his will, that we would be able to keep her. And if it’s not, then help us to grow in that too.”

Brenda's Story, Part 1: A Promise Broken

For most of my adult life, all I had known was being married. When I was first separated, I would go to the doctor’s office and I didn’t even want to check the ‘divorced’ box. Just having to check that box made me anxious. I didn’t want my life to be this way. This is not how I would have written my story, let me tell you. But my prayer almost from day one has been that I would see beauty from these ashes. And I’ve seen a lot of beauty.

Brenda's Story, Part 2: A Promise Fulfilled

In the summer of 2018, my daughter, granddaughter, and I all went with the Calvary team to the Mitaboni children’s home. I felt immediately that this is where God’s calling me to serve. I wasn’t expecting that.

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