Audrey & Mike's Story: First Fruits

“C’mon, let me show you my favorite room,” Audrey Krooswyk says stepping into a small rectangular room where boxed and canned goods line the wire shelves. A smile lights her face. This pantry, just off the spartan, industrial kitchen in the barn at First Fruits Farm, is the heart of Audrey and Mike’s First Fruits ministry.

“I came home from a medical mission trip in October 2018 and told Mike I felt like God wanted me to feed people. He held my hand and said, ‘Okay, we’ll pray about that.’

God’s grace is astounding to me. I thought because I had turned my back on him so many times and for so long, that he was done with me. Nothing could be further from the truth. He was there all along.

History Speaks | The Arthur Guinness Story

Pastor Jon Nitta tells a story from the not-too-distant past of church history. It’s the story of how the gospel sunk deep into the heart of one man and came pouring out like a tap had been opened.

Derek & Dannette's Story: Step In

“Faith is not just coming to church on Sunday morning,” Derek Gora says. “It started that way for us, but when you surrender yourself – your body, your mind, your soul – to what God might have in store for you, you’re going to hear from him. You’re going to see him work.”

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