Jon Nitta
Pastor of Small Groups & Spiritual Growth email
Besides my uber-serious responsibilities on the staff like goofing around and shenanigans, I have the wonderful privilege of providing vision and organization to our Small Group and Discipleship ministries. With over 800 people in groups, I think this is the first step to not only making a large church relationally smaller but creating an environment for real spiritual growth.
There’s nothing that fires me up more than when we’re making disciples – more and deeper followers of Jesus! I truly believe when the gospel begins to sink into our hearts and minds so that we experience an epiphany about Jesus, it has to come out of us in loving God and others!
I have the privilege of doing life alongside my wife Kay. We have two boys, Chris and Justin. Justin and his wife Abby are the parents of our first grandson!
One fun fact about me…I talk a big game about food but I really don’t eat that much! However, I love a great cup of coffee and the rich ethnic variety of food in Chicago. Mostly I think of food as having a very deep spiritual meaning as we “break bread” with one another. On top of that, I’m kind of a novice meat smoker who is constantly learning how to smoke a better brisket.