Julie Shoupe
Ministry Assistant email
I have claimed a quote “God puts some people in ministry because He can’t trust them out of it.” I am this person in many ways; my mouth tends to get me into trouble at times. But God is always faithful, and I am grateful for His grace. There is a small plaque near my workspace that a co-worker gave me that reads “Lord…please keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth – AMEN”. I’m blessed to be able to work alongside so many amazing believers! They are genuine, compassionate, and hilarious! I enjoy bringing the fun and laughter to the office.
My family and I started attending Calvary about 10 years ago. I loved getting to meet and form new relationships serving alongside others in childcare, Awana, and Life Groups. Now that I am a staff member, I have the privilege of meeting new people at Calvary and connecting them with others whether it be in a Life Group, serving on a mission trip or with a local partner, and/or becoming a member of Calvary. I love seeing others grow spiritually and creating new friendships.
I’ve been married to my husband for 25 years and we have 4 sons. Our family has an annual tradition of taking a summer Saturday to go canoeing. We love the peace of the slow current along with the craziness and laughter that comes with all of us spending time together.