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8.25.19 Family Meeting Recap

On Sunday, August 25, several leaders recapped the last 8 months of growth and change here at Calvary. Below is a recap of the recap for those who may have missed the meeting or want to hear or see something again. As always, you’re invited to ask questions or share concerns with the elders at any time. You can find contact information for both the pastoral and lay elders on the Team page of our website.

Read through a brief description of the information provided or scroll down for a link to the video of the 8.25.19 Family Meeting.


Leadership Structure

Over the last several months, our church leadership structure has shifted to be more team based. This allows for increased accountability, shared responsibility, and increased cross-ministry communication and cooperation.

Ministry Teams

Our staff teams are listed here and on the Team page of our website. We are staff-heavy for a church of our size, and a decision has been made by the elders to address this through natural means: staff attrition and continued church growth. In other words, as some staff move on, their responsibilities will be divided amongst other staff, and as the church grows, the ratio of staff to attenders will level out.


Attendance & Giving

Attendance and giving numbers aren’t why we do things at Calvary, but they are useful marks of church health and growth. Things are looking quite good for our church. Between the ongoing construction and the leadership transitions we experienced in 2018 when our senior pastor stepped down, we saw an expected dip in attendance.

Giving has continued to increase and for that we thank you. Please note the fine print, which indicates that giving is over budget and spending is under budget thanks to our focus on being creatively frugal.


Even More Expansion Project

We’re so close to done! As with any construction project, completion dates have moved back back back, but we’re looking to wrap up the project - with the completion of the Chapel of Hope - in the 4th quarter of the year.

Costs for the project have come out to just over 8 million, which necessitates a mortgage of about 3.3 million. When combined with our current mortgage, we’ll have a total mortgage of 5.1 million. This is well within the healthy range for a church of our size, and our elders have set a goal to retire the entire mortgage in 10 years.

When we starting this project over 3 and a half years ago, fundraising consultants told us we could expect to raise 2.5 million within our congregation. Three million was an admirable goal. But we set the goal at 5 million and today we’re within sight. If you’d like to jump in with us or continue beyond your original commitment, we’re working on gathering the remaining $493,111 by December 31.


Elder Nominations

Church members are welcome to nominate to the Calvary Church elder board men who display spiritual maturity, leadership, and humility. Paper nomination forms are available at Guest Services on Sunday. Or visit to nominate someone online and see all of the qualifications for a church elder.

There is a lot more in the Family Meeting video.

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