Lenten Devotions

Winter Weather Cancellations


April 2 | Community

Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:1-2

There is so much banter about introverts versus extroverts. Right now with this pandemic, I know of a couple of introverts that have jokingly suggested that they have “trained their whole life for this.” It is helpful to consider our personalities and the way the Lord wired us, but whatever is revealed about how we interact with others, living in community is vital to our souls. We need human relationships; we need each other in the body of Christ. COVID-19 has shed light on that. 

Of course, Satan wants the opposite. He thrives on relational discord and celebrates when it leads to loneliness and isolation. He would much prefer the church community maintain surface level casual acquaintances rather than safe, vulnerable, honest interaction. Discord had damaged the church so very often. Satan wins when we choose any other road but restoration. 

Can you imagine a biblical community where this happens? We don’t carry our struggles alone. We have support and prayer and wisdom from like-minded brothers and sisters. Hurt feelings drive us to restore relationships, and we are committed to clarifying misunderstandings and resolving painful conflict. Oh that we continue to move in that direction as a church community!

Dear Lord, give me your eyes for hurting people around me. Help me to be an encourager and support as they struggle. Reveal to me people who I have allowed to drift away rather than work to restore a fractured friendship. Allow me to forgive as you have forgiven me. I pray for our church family. Bring unity where there is potential division. Restore us and bind us together. Amen.

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