But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Matthew 6:33; read Matthew 6:25-34
We live in an anxious world. It’s all around us and in one way or another, it touches us all. For some of us, the fear of what is coming or what could happen can be crippling. For others, it’s just this small nagging thing inside where we wrestle to control our lives, even though we know deep inside that we cannot. It certainly doesn’t help when we see all of the turmoil in our world today. How do we fight the monster of anxiety? Can we ever begin to quiet its ever present snarls? Is it possible to peel off its claws and find calm and confidence in the middle of chaos? Jesus says yes! And surprisingly enough, he commands it!
As a father and husband who followed God’s leading to move my family from Canada to the U.S. to be in full time ministry years ago, I have had to preach these words of Jesus to myself over and over! It’s his kingdom I need, not my own! And in this kingdom, I can rest because my King has given me all I will ever need. He has made me right with him. He gave his life for me and defeated death and hell. This is the gospel. This is good news! In him I am loved, cared for, and secure. What can this world do to me? What do I need to fear? In Christ, and because of Christ, I can rest on all that he has said, has done, and will do. Preach to your troubled heart today and then like I have had to do, preach and preach again!
Father, thank you for your love and care for me! Jesus, I have all things in you. You have rescued my soul by your death on a cross and your resurrection from the dead. You have broken open the prison bars of anxiety to set me free. Jesus would you give me the grace I need to preach to myself and obey your command not to worry. Let me walk out into your freedom today!