Start a conversation with your Calvary Kid by asking them today’s questions: “How did God rescue the special baby He had big plans for in the story today?”
In Exodus 1-2, we are introduced to Moses. The pharaoh had an awful plan to kill all the Hebrew baby boys in an awful attempt to protect his kingdom from a perceived threat as the number of Joseph’s descendants in Egypt grew. Moses very easily could have been a casualty to this plot. But this story is a clear reminder that God’s purposes cannot be stopped, even by the most powerful human plans. Before he was ever born, God knew that Moses would grow up to rescue the Israelites from slavery and ironically used the pharaoh’s own daughter to save Moses’ life.
God had a purpose and a plan for Joseph (last week’s lesson), Moses AND for each of us today. We all have a unique part to play in His plan. Remind your child that God made them and loves them. He has a good plan for them and will help them do the job He as for them.
Pray with your child, thanking God that we get to be part of His plan!
April Millard
Director of Children’s Ministries