Is Online Giving Secure?
We've partnered with our web provider Sheepish Design and our online Merchant Account provider Planning Center to ensure that the giving process is safe and secure from beginning to end. All your giving data is secured by SSL encryption. SSL is an acronym for "Secure Socket Layer," a security protocol that provides communications privacy over the Internet. It is the same technology used by banks and e-commerce companies such as to keep your information safe and secure during transactions.
Will I Receive a Record of My Contributions?
Yes. Calvary Church automatically mails an annual Record of Contributions for charitable-giving tax purposes to those who contribute in excess of $100 annually and to anyone else who requests a statement. Records of Contributions will be mailed to your home address.
I Have Questions About How to Give
Contact Ashley Berry, Financial Manager, at (219) 462-4026 or with questions or concerns.
What is the Process for Setting the Budget?
Here is the short version: 1) The Director of Administration lead the staff in an intensive ministry planning process during the summer. 2) Ministry plans are submitted to the Elder Board in late summer. 3) A committee of church leaders and financial professionals (the Finance Committee) spend the fall creating a budget that can accomplish ministry objectives. 4) The Elder Board makes final modifications and approves the budget in November or December.
Why Does the Budget Increase Every Year?
The simple answer is that our church has been growing at a rate of 10-15% every year! That means that an additional 100-150 people a year have been added to Calvary Church for the last five years! As with a family budget, when the family grows, the budget does too.
How Are Staff Salaries Set and Managed?
The Elder Board uses metrics based on extensive research provided by organizations like the National Association of Church Business Administrators. Pay scales and benefits for Calvary staff are comparable to administrators, teachers, and staff at Valparaiso Community Schools and take into consideration factors such as position, education, and experience. The Elder Board sets staff salaries and makes retaining competent staff a high priority.
Does Calvary Have Good Accountability Measures?
We believe in strong accountability at every level. The Elder Board provides financial oversight and reviews reports at every meeting, and the Finance Committee provides detailed accountability. The Director of Administration and Financial Manager provide ongoing accountability for staff. In addition, our online giving mechanisms are secure, and our weekly collection procedures are carefully managed by staff and a security professional.
What If I have Questions About Calvary's Budget?
Call the church office and ask for an appointment with the Director of Administration. We are committed to giving you all the information you need to be assured that we manage our resources wisely.