Mission Sunday Giving Update

On Missions Sunday, many of you gave above and beyond your regular giving to support our partners around the world.  Thank you for supporting them as they share the gospel, care for others, and multiply churches.  Pray with us that God would use our giving to change lives both now and for eternity.

Here’s how your Mission Sunday Giving is being distributed:

Every Child Ministries | Uganda
We will help ECM purchase computers and establish a community hub to provide resources and connections for our partner village in Uganda.   

HopeCo | Tanzania
We will help HopeCo provide an on-site counseling center and counseling resources at City of Hope in Tanzania.

Logos College of Theology | India
We are providing two scholarships to support two students through their studies and as they continue into ministry beyond college.

Peru | GO Team
We will provide 40 care packages for the missionaries our GO Team will minister to this fall.

AMG CosmoVision Center | Greece
We are providing funding for AMG to use toward the center's staffing or a special project.

We are partnering with a local pastor who serves unreached people groups and will be providing funds for transportation, evangelism, and training, as well as supporting care for seven vulnerable children.

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