Day 17 | Wisdom in Uncertain Times

Today I'd like to provide an intentional pause on going through the Proverbs to stop and address the heart and wisdom in Proverbs. Let’s connect it to this current situation that we're going through. In Psalms, this would be a selah, which means take a breath or reflect. 

Proverbs 27:19 says,
As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart. 

Proverbs 3:5 says,
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

What we're experiencing now in isolation is what people experience when I take them on a spiritual retreat of silence and solitude. Nobody really says, “Wow, this is easy and fun.” It's really hard because you're taking people out of their comfort and putting them abruptly in a situation that feels very foreign. Silence and solitude are like that. Anytime you take somebody out of their normal routine and put them in something completely different, it's usually met with resistance. 

Let me give you some examples. I think it's really hard for some people to adapt to everything that's become new to us in this time. For others, it's been hard to figure out how to mix the workplace, which is now at home, with family life? For others, the tension is how do make room for my own life needs when my kids are constantly running around and I have to keep them entertained for the whole day? For others, this time has revealed some cracks in their marriage, maybe communication problems. They're realizing the silence and solitude is taking a toll. For others, social distancing and staying home have only heightened feelings of loneliness. 

This raises some important questions that I'd like to read to you right now. These questions are for you to ponder. 

  • What am I using to fill the quiet? 

  • What am I using this situation to prove to others about me - that I'm smart, that I'm strong, that I really don't care? Maybe the Facebook posts you’re making are first indication about what emotions, desires and thoughts are leaking out of their heart at home. 

  • What are those loves in my heart that are out of order? 

  • What am I trying to escape from? 

  • What do I want to escape to? 

  • In what concrete way is my knowledge of God and my trust in him growing? 

During this time, I want to your to challenge yourself. I don't want you to skip over these questions too quickly. Underscore this: this time in our lives will give us a clear picture of what we really think about spiritual growth. I think God gives us these hard times as a gracious gift to help reveal what's already in the heart. 

Now remember that wisdom is this ability to become skillful in life as it relates to the reality of life. But part of the reality of life is the reality of you. And so becoming wise in your life is growing in a clearer understanding of who you are that fits with the reality of you. Who are you?

John Calvin says there are two kinds of knowledge. One kind is knowledge of God and the other is knowledge of self. Calvin was very clear in saying that both of these forms of knowledge are essential, and they fit together. Knowledge of self is critical to knowing God as he really is. If you don't have a good self understanding, your understanding of God is going to be very stunted and that in turn means that you won't have a proper understanding of yourself. 

Let me encourage you with a simple spiritual exercise. Read John 15:5, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” I want you to begin your day with that prayer. I want you to talk to God and open your heart to him as you would a friend who's sitting right next to you. Tell him you don't want to start today or do anything apart from him. Let that sink deeply into your heart today. 

Prayer for Today
Father in heaven, we want to learn simple spiritual exercises with the most basic disciplines and practices. Help us open ourselves to you relationally so that we can say, “Lord, my heart is open to you, show me who we are. Give me a bigger picture of who you are.” Because of  the gospel, when I bring myself and all of my ugliness to you, because of what was accomplished on the cross, it is forgiven. It's been taken care of completely. You invite us to continue to do this growing work inside of us. Lord, help us make that happen today. In Jesus name, amen.

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