Winter Weather Cancellations


A church is like a big family, and family members need to talk and listen to each other well in order to flourish and grow. Calvary Articles are used both to inspire spiritual growth as well as inform you in a way that makes our leaders and plans for the future more accessible. I plan to touch base with you here to keep our church community informed of big picture issues relating to Calvary. I know we all suffer through informational overload, so I hope to be succinct and focus on the things that really matter to our members! 

Last Sunday’s Family Meeting

We had a fantastic turnout for our Family Meeting last Sunday. Over 350 members were there to hear from Pastors Josh and Al, and elder Dave Kurt and myself about the future of Calvary. Two main topics were addressed. First, the elders presented a proposed restatement of our church constitution. The changes are needed to adapt our governance model to a much larger congregation than when the last constitution was written, and to improve transparency and accountability to our members. You can view the video recording of the meeting and also find an executive summary of the changes along with our current constitution and the proposed restated constitution here:   

If you are a member of Calvary you will receive later this week a letter from the Elder Board that explains why the changes to the constitution are necessary and tells you how to cast your vote for its adoption. Please note that we are using an “informed consent vote” process due to the challenge of calling a quorum for such a large congregation.  Only those who are opposed to the proposed restatement need to send in the postcard included with the letter. It’s kind of like a regrets-only RSVP response.   

New Positions for Pastors Josh and Al

At our meeting, Dave Kurt presented the elder’s recommendations that Josh Reasoner officially become Calvary’s Lead Teaching Pastor. He has done an outstanding job at teaching the word and many of you have urged us to make this appointment. The elders are unanimous and enthusiastic about Josh’s calling to this new assignment. As Lead Teaching Pastor, Josh will be the primary spiritual leader of the church and collaborating with the Senior Leadership Team and Elder Board to ‘discern God’s voice together”, will cast the spiritual vision for the church. He will lead the teaching team and personally preach approximately 30 to 36 Sunday morning sermons annually. The LTP will provide spiritual oversight for all Calvary ministries and the entire church community.  

 Pastor Al Lackey will become Pastor of Operations and will oversee many areas related to the day to day operation of the church.  He will serve as the chief financial officer of the church managing income and expenses and providing budgetary forecasts. In addition he will manage the church facilities, oversee human resources, direct communications and IT, manage global outreach and oversee administrative staff. 

My role as Elder Chair will expand for the foreseeable future to come alongside Pastor Josh and Pastor Al to lead the senior leadership team of Calvary Church and oversee key ministry areas not covered by the Lead Teaching Pastor or Operations Pastor.

More to Come - Stay Tuned

Please return to Calvary Articles periodically for more Calvary family information and resources from our staff for spiritual growth in the future. As a church family we are here to talk and listen, if you would like to contact me directly, please send me an email at  

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