Day 7 | Wisdom in Uncertain Times

If we take a look at what it means to be foolish, we'll have a better and clearer understanding of what it means to be wise. Proverbs uses a few words that are synonymous with fool. It's a spectrum that runs all the way from those that are simple to those who are mockers. It's not really dependent upon age. The truth of the matter is that there's a bit of foolishness in all of us. The person that says “I'm not a fool” is probably a fool. And the person that says “I agree, there really are places in my life where I am foolish,” they are on the path to becoming wise.

The word I want to look at today is the Hebrew word pethi. It means simple or immature. So in Proverbs 1:22 we read, "how long will you who are simple love your simple ways?"  In Hebrew thinking the simple person was the immature person.They were young or untutored in life. So this is who the book of Proverbs was likely written for, the young boys who were close to becoming adolescents and were yet immature. They would have needed an older person that they could yoke themselves to and learn from. Someone who could lead them into a much more mature kind of life. 

What kind of application would this have for us today? There is a kind of simpleness, a simple person, who loves the big flashy stuff and is impressed with “showy Christianity.” As long as they don't have to think and are spoon fed, they're really happy. They are the people with a short attention span, who have a lot of ways to get content - podcasts, sermons, books and radio shows. And they apply a lot of what they hear - something new all the time - but the application is about an inch deep. So they're a mile wide and very shallow in their application. 

Let me ask you some questions: Do you come to church just for flashiness or entertainment? Do you come with this attitude: “Pastor, just tell me what to do”? Do you apply a lot in your life, but you're not willing to dig into some of the deeper issues in your heart that are coming up? Do you have a difficult time putting yourself under the wise, personal counsel or instruction of somebody that's more mature than you? Do you find yourself putting off learning because it’s too hard? 

Those are some of the characteristics of the simple fool. If you saw yourself in some of those questions, let me challenge you with this one: are you ready to shed being simple? It’s time to grow up in your faith. The voice of wisdom is calling to you.

In Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus says, "Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." This yoke that you are to put on is an easy and loving yoke of discipleship. It's loving and intended to help you grow up. Are you ready to shed your simple foolishness and follow Jesus in wisdom?

Prayer for Today
Father, we would like Christianity to be magic, and yet, it is an intentional step forward with Jesus. Help us to shed some of the immature foolishness that we have and lean into growing up so that we can become more mature in our faith. Help us to do that with you. We thank you for this now in Jesus name, amen.

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